Are you unhappy with the status quo?

Crewii provides the optimal solution for teams that need to efficiently staff short-term jobs on a large scale.

Why Crewii

We've witnessed numerous companies struggle due to cumbersome and isolated staffing systems. Countless resources are expended on managing administrative complexities, dealing with unreliable workers, and constantly resolving urgent issues. Crewii presents the solution: a contemporary staffing platform empowering companies and agencies to efficiently staff hourly shifts with top-tier talent consistently. Obtain a competitive edge with comprehensive visibility consolidated in one accessible location, available anytime, anywhere. Whether you're launching your business or aiming to expand your contingent workforce, Crewii stands prepared to facilitate enhanced talent sourcing, foster agile growth, and lower operational expenses.


Top Features

Here are a few of our best features. Get in touch with one of our customer service specialists to learn more about all the awesome features of Crewii.


Hassle-Free clock-in clock-out system

We utilize NFC technology to enable professionals to easily clock in and out using their smartphones.


Remote Timesheet Management

You can rely on us to manage timesheets, track shift cancellations, and handle no-shows, all remotely. Crewii also enables you to stop your shift early in case of an emergency or to extend it if needed.


Find local talent as and when you need them

Our location-based technology identifies shifts for you close to your residence. Agencies can prioritize locally available talents at the same time.


Transparent invoicing

You are completely aware of the costs associated with Crewii down to the second. Our online interface makes it simple to cross-check any invoice.


Simple Navigation and Usability

No "Death by 1000 clicks". Our streamlined application stack was designed to save you precious seconds.


Mutual review and feedback

Our two-way feedback and review mechanism enables all parties involved to understand what went right and wrong.

Institution Image

Healthcare Institutions

A comprehensive place to find qualified talent

At Karer, we believe in the "Art of Hiring." All of our providers are put through a multi-step vetting process to ensure that you get the finest talent available.

To learn more, chat with us, or drop an inquiry.

Contact Us

How it works

Karer gives healthcare institutions the tools to adjust their workforce. Keep your patients covered by utilizing a single platform to connect with local, flexible, and pre-qualified healthcare experts.


Submit a shift request

Use the Karer Web App to post a shift in seconds requesting Registered Nurses, RPN, PSW, DSW and more


Engage Qualified Healthcare Professionals

Eligible, pre-qualified, local healthcare professionals get a notified when you post a shift.


Professional claims and works your shift

You get to pick eligible professionals from a pool for interested candidates.


Karer manages payments

Karer pays the professional upon completion of the shift.

See Crewii in action.

Book a demo with someone from our team. Fill out the form and we'll contact you shortly.